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Corona Fastnet Film Festival

For those looking at what’s on in West Cork this weekend, the Corona Fastnet Short Film Festival is due to kick off in the scenic coastal village of Schull, from Wednesday 21st until Sunday 25th May. A festival for cinema and film lovers with something for people of all ages, visitors to this picturesque fishing village on the scenic Mizen Peninsula, just a 30 minute drive from us here at our Hotel in West Cork, are in for five great days.

The festival which is devoted to short films from around the world also includes a range of competitions, family events as well as informative industry standard film events. And for the five days that the festival is on, many may note how the whole village really gets into the spirit of the occasion with every shop and public building in the village bearing a cinematic theme, each one temporarily renamed in honour of a famous film.

A festival for filmmakers and film lovers, there is much to take in on a visit to Schull and indeed a vast array of things to do in West Cork to enjoy. A large programme of short films will be screened during the festival and every evening there will be a series of film events screened of noted films and documentaries among them “Philomena. Avid filmmakers will delight in the many world class film workshops, film competitions, Q and A's featuring leading industry professionals and numerous helpful events of interest for filmmakers. There is also a great programme of family friendly shows and film related events for people of all ages.

And this film festival in its scenic setting is different to other film festivals. What makes it so unique is the fact that Schull doesn’t have a cinema, its large programme of short films being presented to the audience in new and imaginative ways. Asking the question “what is a cinema anyway”, the festival utilizes the villages intranet network to stream its vast programme of short films to various venues and personal electronic devices around the village. As well as that films will be shown in a diverse range of the villages venues all of which are temporary transformed into cinemas among them many of Schulls cafes and restaurants. Perfect if you wish to view films at your own leisure and in surroundings that allow you to sit down, relax and combine your enjoyment of the films with another of west corks noted attractions: its good food and drink.

With its unique and imaginative way of showcasing the best in short films, its many film related events that cater to the needs of budding and established filmmakers and the many entertaining family friendly movie related events, the Corona Fastnet Short Film Festival provides amble reason for visitors to head to checkout all that is happening in this beautiful region of West Cork this week. For hotels near Schull, those in search of West Cork accommodation need look no further than the West Cork Hotel. For B&B Skibbereen boasts a short proximity to the village of Schull and the main attractions and activities in West Cork.